Category Archives: Events
MRBA Bluegrass Camp-out
The MRBA camp-out is August 16th- 18th and will again be up Hughes Creek. Free camping, swimming, hiking, biking, and Pot-luck Sat at 6 pm. The assoc. will furnish lots of hot-dogs and pie.. Directions——– go approx 4 1/2 miles south of Darby and turn up the West Fork Highway. ——-Just past the 29 mile marker turn left at Hughes Creek… Go up Hughes Creek 1 mile and we are on the right… ALL BLUEGRASS LOVERS WELCOME..
July-August Newsletter
May-June Newsletter
MRBA Spring Bluegrass Festival.
18 bands perform on Saturday, April 13th from 11 am to 8 pm at the Neely Center in Victor Montana. Admission $5 for non-members and $3 for members. Bring your friends and join in the fun.
Last MRBA winter jam is this weekend (March 23rd)
Saturday (March 23rd) at the Masonic Hall in Missoula. Doors open at 2 pm, pot-luck at 6 pm. Slow-jam at 3 pm.. ALL BLUEGRASS LOVERS WELCOME