Come join in the MRBA jam and pot-luck this Saturday (Feb 17th) at the Masonic Hall in Missoula. Doors open at 2 pm. Pot-luck at 6 pm. Many different jam circles to join in…………At 3 pm, Mark Vosburgh and Matt Jolly will again be hosting a “slow jam” for folks wanting to get more comfortable with bluegrass style jamming and singing…. Come join in the fun. All Bluegrass Lovers Welcome.. Mike C
Jan/Feb Newsletter
Spring MRBA Bluegrass Festival.
We are OFFICIALLY signing bands for the MRBA Spring Festival and Fundraiser on Saturday, April 13th, at the Neeley Center in Victor Mt… The band slots fill very fast, so if your group wants a spot– let me know ASAP Mike
The MRBA Winter jams
The winter jams at the Masonic Lodge in Missoula are Jan 27, Feb 17 and March 23.. Pot-lucks at 6 pm.. Doors open a 2 pm. All Bluegrass Lovers Welcome
MRBA Christmas Party, Pot-luck, Meeting and Jam
The Annual MRBA Christmas Party, Pot-luck, Meeting and Jam is Saturday, Dec 16 at the Masonic Hall in Missoula. Doors open at 2 pm.. Meeting at 4 pm, Potluck is at 6 pm.. Please bring a pot-luck dish and Tari will cook up a ham from the MRBA..It will be great to see everyone and do some pickin’ and visiting.. Mike and Tari
Bluegrass Jam Opportunities
Dec. 6 – 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. First Presbyterian Church, Kalispell (540 S. Main St.) For more info:
Dec. 9 – Rollins Fire Hall. 1:00 pm to whenever. Bring a snack to share if you want. Contact Roger Bartel for more info: (253)686-5952
Dec. 16 – Montana Rockies Bluegrass Association X-mas Party. Masonic Lodge in Missoula (126 E. Broadway) Jammin starts at 2:00 pm. Pot Luck around 6pm and then more jamming.
Newsletter – Nov. – Dec. 2023
MRBA Christmas party, jam and meeting
The MRBA Christmas party is Saturday, Dec 16th, at the Masonic Lodge in Missoula. Doors open at 2 pm. Yearly meeting at 3 pm and pot-luck at 5 pm. Lots of jamming and friendly folks. All Bluegrass Lovers Welcome..